What skin on the neck gets moved/cut during a neck lift? I'm post-menopausal and have a full neckbeard. I want it GONE, not moved.

I am developing a wattle. Considering surgery at some point but I need to know which part of the skin will get removed/relocated? I'd ideally want the hairy bit GONE. Is this possible? The hair is not ear to ear but it's getting there. I've tried everything to remove the hair in the last 40yrs and nothing works. Now with a wattle developing, I'm wondering if I can kill two birds with one stone. Thank you.

Answers from doctors (1)

Typically the skin of the central neck does not get removed to correct hanging skin. The skin is, instead, pulled tight from an incision by the ear. The central neck skin can sometimes be simply cut out, however, it is not ideal as it leaves a tight, unsightly scar in the center of the neck.

Answered by William F. DeLuca Jr. MD FACS (View Profile)

Typically the skin of the central neck does not get removed to correct hanging skin. The skin is, instead, pulled tight from an incision by the ear. The central neck skin can sometimes be simply cut out, however, it is not ideal as it leaves a tight, unsightly scar in the center of the neck.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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