Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Sometimes things happen to our bodies that are simply beyond on control. A horrible accident can disfigure some part of your body. You child could be born with some sort of birth defect. Such events can be traumatic and life altering, but fortunately, they’re not irreversible! With the help of a skilled cosmetic surgeon, you can repair severe injuries, restore a part of your body damaged by tumors or other disease, or fix your child’s birth defects. Thanks to reconstructive surgery, all of these things are possible.

Types of Reconstructive Procedures

There are a number of different types of reconstructive procedures. Here are a few, and information about how and why they are used:

  • Breast Reconstruction: This procedure is most commonly performed on women who have had to have a mastectomy (the removal of one or both breasts) performed, which is usually done to stop or prevent breast cancer. Additionally, sometimes women with abnormally large breasts opt for breast reduction to curb back problems that can result.
  • Skin Graft: People who have suffered from severe burns or other scarring can elect to have skin grafts perform. This reconstructive procedure involves a transplantation of skin from a donor to a patient.
  • Flap Procedures: This sort of reconstructive surgery employs tissue from the patients own body to replace lost tissue on another area of the body.
  • Facial Surgery: Most commonly used to fix birth defects like cleft lip or respiratory problems; there are a number of different types of facial reconstructive surgeries.


Recovering from Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Recovery time involved in undergoing reconstructive surgery will vary wildly based on the type of surgery being performed and the severity of the damage that needs to be repaired. Reconstructive surgeries are often very complex affairs, so in most cases you can expect to spend a lot of time in recovery after an operation – but at least you can rest easy knowing that the damage has been repaired.

Insurance and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Since the need for reconstructive surgery is often triggered by events completely beyond our control, and are often performed on body parts that are essential to our functioning as humans, insurance companies will often cover the cost of the surgery. It’s important to have your surgeon properly document your case to ensure that the insurance companies understand the severity.

Are There Any Risks?

The side effects involved in reconstructive surgery will, again, very from case to case. No doubt the affected areas will likely be sore and uncomfortable for a time to come. Furthermore, there’s always a risk of infection after an operation. Nevertheless, reconstructive surgeries are generally for very important body parts, and the chance of side effects is generally not worth opting out of the surgery.

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