Craniofacial Surgery Overview

Craniofacial surgery is a special type of surgery that is useful in correcting congenital or acquired defects of the skull, face and jaws.  Congenital deformities such as cleft lip or cleft palate are corrected with craniofacial surgery.  Surgeons that specialize in this type of surgery have extensive training in oral surgery, plastic surgery and surgery to correct disorders of the ears, nose and throat.  Cleft lip surgery and cleft palate surgery are both examples of congenital deformities that can cause problems with eating and infection if they are not corrected.  Craniofacial surgery is also used to correct craniostenosis, craniofacial dysostosis, encephyacocle, and orbital dystopia. 

Craniofacial Surgery Cost

Often craniofacial surgery can cost thousands of dollars and require the patient to spend an extensive amount of time in the hospital.  Medical insurance often pays for craniofacial surgery because many of the problems that are corrected are for congenital problems that also cause functional deficits.

Craniofacial Surgery Risks

Many complications are possible in craniofacial surgeries due to the number of different procedures that fall in this category.  Because maxillofacial surgeries entail procedures that are completed on the skull, face and jaw, the number of complications are increased based simply on where the surgeries are performed on the body.  Some possible complications that occur are as follows:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Respiratory compromise
  • Wound dehiscence
  • Fistula formation
  • Pain

Consult with a Professional

The only people who can determine if craniofacial surgery is the right choice for you are you and your surgeon.  Many expertly trained surgeons are available to discuss options of craniofacial surgery to determine if it is the right choice.  By discussing procedures in depth with your surgeon before hand, you will be able to have all of your questions answered and make an informed decision. 


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