Chin Surgery General Information

Cosmetic chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, aims at either reshaping the chin either by enhancement with an implant or by reduction of the bone. It is not uncommon for a plastic surgeon to recommend chin surgery to a patient having nose surgery in order to achieve facial proportion since the size of the chin may make the perceived size of the nose bigger or smaller. In most cases chin surgery gives the face more balance.

facelift information

There are many ways a plastic surgeon can achieve symmetry of the lower face for a nice balanced profile. Once again, it can be achieved by inserting an silicone implant in the chin. Another procedure involves moving the bone forward to build up a receding chin. Also the chin reduction of a jutting or too prominent chin is possible in chin surgery. This is usually done by submental liposuction where excess fatty tissue is removed to redefine the chin or neckline of the patient. Sometimes if there's a contributing problem of birth defects in the structure of the jaw itself, chin surgery of the jaw will improve how the face looks and functions.

How is a chin augmentation performed?

Chin Augmentation (or enhancement genioplasty) is one way of providing cosmetic improvement of a small chin. It is performed with a silicone chin implant. This has the added benefit of tightening the submental neck skin (skin below the chin). A small incision inside the mouth or underneath the chin is made and then a small pocket above the chin bone and below the muscle is created. The customized implant goes into the pocket, where it will remain firmly in place. Any scar from an incision made under the chin is negligible. In the second approach, an incision is made inside the mouth, and the plastic surgeon actually takes a portion of the chin bone, moves it forward slightly and secures it into place. There is no visible scarring since all the work is done from inside the mouth. After surgery, the surgeon may tape the chin to hold the implant in place until it's firmly in its new position. More Facts...

Chin reduction surgery

Genioplasty is a form of chin reduction often used to treat a poorly developed chin (microgenia). This surgery aims at altering a protruding chin by removing excess bone from the chin bone. If you have a projected chin, your surgeon alters it by detaching the tip of the chin bone and sliding it forward to augment the contour. Genioplasty chin surgery is performed through an incision inside the mouth in the area of the lower lip. The tip of the chin is then carefully detached with a dental saw, moved forward and stabilized with wires and plates. This makes the chin more prominent. The surgery may result in swelling for several weeks to months while the bone heals. More Facts...

Correction of a Double Chin, (Submental Lipectomy)

If you have a double chin with excess skin, fat or muscle cording beneath your chin, then a facelift may not adequately correct this area. To take care of this problem properly, a small incision is made underneath your chin, and the fat in this region is removed using liposuction. The muscles that cause the bands in this area can be also cut or sutured together. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with a standard neck or cheek lift. A chin implant may also be added to change the basic shape and balance of the face. It is especially useful in enhancing a profile for people with a receding chin and it can reshape the jawline as well. More Facts...

What is the recovery period like after chin surgery?

After surgery, you'll need about a week before you go back to work. At this point, much of the swelling and bruising will have disappeared. However, you may feel numbness and have some swelling for several weeks. You'll have incisions in your mouth, increasing the risk for infection from the bacteria that normally reside there, so be especially vigilant about caring for your mouth (oral hygiene) according to your doctor's instructions. During the recovery period, you'll need to eat only soft foods and protect your face from bumps and other injuries. More Facts...

What are the risks of cosmetic chin surgery?

Although facial implants are considered fairly safe, as with all surgeries certain risks exist for chin enlargement. The most common chin surgery complications occur when implants shift out of position. If a chin implant moves out of proper alignment, a second chin operation may be needed to correct the problem. Infection is another, less-common risk of aesthetic chin surgery. Finally, numbness is another rare side effect that can occur after chin surgery. More Facts...

How much does cosmetic chin surgery cost?

As per the reports of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the national average fee for chin augmentation may range from $2,500 to $5,000 including anesthesia and other additional charges. More Facts...

This information is intended only as an introduction to this procedure. This information should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor does it guarantee results of your elective surgery. Further details regarding surgical standards and procedures should be discussed with your physician.

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