Areola Reduction Surgery

Areolas are the pigmented areas that surround the nipple.  Many people feel that their areolas are too large; this can be due to genetics, weight loss or pregnancy and breast feeding.  Large areolas can cause a person to feel self conscious.  Areola reduction surgery is a permanent fix to larger areolar areas.  Areola reduction surgery is a procedure that is completed by licensed plastic surgeons to help reduce the size of large areolas with minimal trauma to the surrounding breast tissue.

Areola Reduction Surgery

Areola reduction surgery is routinely preformed in outpatient surgery centers and patients undergoing this procedure usually return home the same day.  During areola reduction, the surgeon cuts out a donut shaped area around the outer part of the areolar area and removes in.  The remaining skin is then sutured together creating a smaller appearing areola. 

Areola Reduction Cost

The average cost of this surgery is about $1000.  The risks of areola reduction surgery is minimal but any concerns should be discussed with a licensed plastic surgeon.

Risks of Areola Reduction Surgery

While minimally invasive, areola reduction surgery is not completely without risks.  Possible complications are as follows:

  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation in breast
  • Necrosis or death of breast tissue (this is very rare and occurs more often in patients who smoke cigarettes or who have very large breasts)
  • Inability to breastfeed in the future
  • Asymmetry of breasts

Consult with a Professional

Areola reduction surgery is a common procedure but the overall benefits should be discussed with a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon.  Many surgeons are available throughout the country that perform this procedure often and are able to discuss the risks and the benefits of this procedure with someone considering undergoing areola reduction surgery.  This surgery is not for everyone and not without complications; your surgeon will be able to help you determine if this procedure is right for you.

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