Labiaplasty General Information

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that is done to reshape the labia minora - the skin that covers the female clitoris and vaginal opening. Women with a large labia may experience pain during intercourse, possibly feeling discomfort in their everyday life. For some women it is a physical manifestation of feeling unattractive or the desire to enhance their sexual experiences by removing some of the skin that covers the clitoris. The labiaplasty is done to better define the labia. There is no definitive reason for the formation; it may be caused by genetics, sexual intercourse or difficulties during childbirth.

Women may dislike the large protuberant appearance of their labia minora. This may be a cause of embarrassment with a sexual partner. Surgery on the labia can be as a reduction and can improve the appearance of an abnormal labis. Some women may be born with large labia and others may develop it with childbirth or age.

The surgery is relatively minor and not known to be painful. The surgery is done as an outpatient procedure and is performed in a surgical center. With the complication rate being so low, you can you can probably return to work in 5 days. Sexual activity may resume in about 4-6 weeks.

There are many reasons why women choose to go through this type of surgery, every reason from physical pain to sexual dissatisfaction and aesthetic beauty. It is important for you to understand how your body affects you and to see how to better explain to your surgeon how you would like the procedure to be achieved. It is not meant to be a source of embarrassment or pain- but to be a normal part of your everyday life.

Labia reduction surgery is elective and you'll be scheduling your procedure in an out-patient venue. The actual procedure requires you to receive general anesthesia, and you'll be done in about 1-hour. You'll need to plan on a pre-op exam, in order to check for basic background health issues.

It will be helpful for you to speak with your gynecologist about this procedure, to get a better understanding of how it may affect your life. Your doctor may then be able to suggest a surgeon who specializes in this type of surgery. See as many surgeons as it takes for you to be comfortable and have all your questions answered. You will be glad you did.

An enlarged or hypertrophic labia may be psycho-socially bothersome for many women. The possibility of local irritation or problems with personal hygiene can interfere with sexual intercourse and discomfort during physical activity. Patients usually decide the post operative size of their labia, but it is important to remember the function of the labia minora as well. The labia minora protect the vaginal orifice when the thighs are spread and therefore, overcorrection is not highly avoided.


During the procedure, the inner lips of the vulva are adjusted for symmetry (reduced). Reduction of the labia minora is performed under local or general anesthesia with care taken to obtain as natural a result as possible. Care is taken to avoid over-resection of the labia, to avoid interference with the clitoris or urethral opening. The reduction of the labia minora may serve to improve physical comfort and sexuality of the patient. Scars are minimal and normally only visible to the trained eye. Sensitivity is usually not an issue: psychological and relational components of dysfunctional vaginal experience can neither be caused, nor treated by surgery. This procedure is known as Labiaplasty, Labioplasty, Labial Reduction Surgery, Labia Reduction Surgery, or Vulvar Surgery.

After Surgery:

There will be a dressing in that area that is similar to a pad worn during menstruation. Patients are expected to be on bed rest for one week. Ice may be applied to the area for that week of bed rest.

Patients may go back to their daily routines after one week but with extreme caution. Patients are asked to avoid strenuous activity as well as sexual intercourse for 4-6 weeks after surgery.

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