Thigh Lift

There are certainly cosmetic or aesthetic reasons for seeking thigh lift surgery. Many people, especially women, desire to have more shapely legs and want extra fat removed from the thigh region. There are also functional reasons for a thigh lift. Clothes and stockings fit better when the diameter of the thigh is proportional to the rest of the leg. Also, excess fat can rub the inner thighs raw and be quite painful. For many women seeking a more permanent solution to fat in the upper leg, the solution is a plastic surgery thigh lift.

Thigh Lift Procedure

When only a moderate or small amount of inner thigh fat needs to be removed, liposuction may be the best course of action. In many cases, though, excess skin will also need to be removed in a procedure known as a thigh lift. When the fat between the legs is the primary surgical target, the procedure is called a medial thigh lift. In thigh lift surgery, the plastic surgeon takes great pains to cut the skin in areas that will not leave large, noticeable scars. Therefore the incision may run along the bottom curve of the buttock or along the bikini area in a natural fold of the leg. Fat is removed in a plastic surgery thigh lift along with any excess skin that cannot be expected to retract or shrink on its own.

Risks of Thigh Lift Surgery

With any surgery, infection or collections of fluid are possible. In some instances it may not be possible to hide the thigh lift scars in natural folds. Therefore after recovery is complete, the thigh lift surgery may be noticeable on close inspection. If weight gain is an issue after a successful thigh lift, the surgical scar may stretch and move, which is not ideal cosmetically. In rare cases, a patient undergoing a thigh lift surgery may be left with minor nerve damage. Occasionally there may be problems with swelling or blood clotting in the legs if the veins were disrupted during surgery. Nerve or blood vessel damage may be permanent, though they rarely occur.

Recovery from a Thigh Lift

Be prepared to wear compression stockings on the upper thighs for several weeks after thigh lift surgery. These garments are like pantyhose or shapers used to keep swelling to a minimum. There will be some minor restrictions on activity until you have fully recovered from the medial thigh lift. Your surgeon will let you know when you should expect to return to work, which is usually within one week.

Thigh Lift Cost

A thigh lift is rarely covered by health insurance. The possible exception is the case of a medial thigh lift in which the rubbing of the legs is causing breakdown of the skin or significant pain. In general, a plastic surgery thigh lift costs about $5,000. If medical insurance coverage is not an option, many surgeons offer payment plans.

Consulting with a Plastic Surgeon Professional

If excess fat in the upper and inner thigh is a problem, you should discuss the various treatment possibilities with a plastic surgeon. This professional will be able to describe the medial thigh lift procedure in detail and perform a thorough evaluation. Many plastic surgeons have staff that will help make this potentially life-changing procedure more affordable.


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