Lower Body Lift

Lower body lifts or belt lipectomy as it is sometimes called is sometimes a necessary surgery after successful gastric bypass surgery or a dramatic weight loss.  Lower body lift surgery is completed to remove areas of sagging skin from the areas of the tummy, thighs and buttocks.  The goal of a lower body lift is to resculpt this area; patients find that after surgery clothing fits better and they have less problems with rubbing skin. 

Lower Body Lift Procedure

Lower body lift surgery is done once a person has achieved or is nearly at their goal weight.  The plastic surgeon performs this procedure under general anesthetic.  Usually it is necessary for the patient to spend the night or even several days in the hospital after this type of procedure.  The surgeon makes several incisions to eliminate areas of drooping skin.  This excess skin is removed from the midsection and the remaining areas are sutured together.  The patient often experiences a great deal of pain after this type of surgery and will be closely monitored by the surgeon to make sure that the surgical area does not become infected. 

Risks of a Lower Body Lift

Some risks that are associated with lower body lift surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding and hematomas
  • Pain
  • Blood clots
  • Problems with healing
  • Problems with anesthesia

Recovery From a Lower Body Lift

Lower body lift recovery is considerably longer than many other cosmetic procedures.  This is mainly due to the size of the incision.  The area of the body that the surgery is done on (the abdomen, thighs and buttocks) is necessary in almost every movement a person makes.  Pain is a significant part of lower body lift recovery.  Your surgeon will prescribe you pain medicine to help you handle the pain that goes along with recovery.  Patients who undergo this type of procedure should expect to be out of work for at least three weeks. 

Lower Body Lift Costs

Lower body lift costs are usually money well spent for most patients.  Patients report an increase in satisfaction with their bodies after surgery.  Often lower body lift surgery costs between thirteen and seventeen thousand dollars.  There are many third party agencies that are willing to help finance lower body lift costs.

Consult with a Professional

If you feel like a lower body lift would benefit you, you should contact an experienced plastic surgeon to help you decide if this type of surgery is the right choice.  He will be able to evaluate your body and discuss with you your surgical options.


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