Fat Grafting to Augment Your Weak Spots

The beauty of fat grafting is that your own fat cells are used to augment the body part in question. Thus there are no questions about biocompatibility or allergies. The results may be unpredictable. Much of the injected collagen and fat will be absorbed into the body, leaving an average of about 40 percent in place. Patients may require multiple treatments. Multiple treatments tend to offer longer lasting results, possibly even lifetime results.

Exercise is the best way to improve the appearance of your body. Some areas may be relentlessly stubborn due to age or genetics. Patients aged from their mid 30's to 70's may benefit from fat grafting. It is more a large-scale reshaping procedure than a treatment for wrinkles.

The Fat Grafting Procedure

The procedure may be performed at an outpatient clinic or hospital. It may take up to two hours. It is often performed under a cocktail of anesthetics that render you sleepy and numbed, but awake. Fat cells are removed using liposuction, processed and purified by the doctor, and then injected under the skin.

Recovery From Fat Grafting

You may need someone to drive you home from the procedure. You may also need someone to help with daily activities for a brief time. Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding limiting your activity and exercise for up to three weeks afterward. After two or three days, the doctor will remove the bandages, and the patient can shower again.

There is typically some swelling and bruising. Swelling may last for a few weeks. Discomfort may be managed with oral medications. Unmanageable or abnormal pain should be reported to the doctor immediately.

Costs of Fat Grafting

Fat grafting will include three costs: anesthesia fees, facility fees, and surgeon's fees. Other cost factors include the doctor's skill and training, and technique used. It is nearly impossible to determine an average cost for fat grafting as every case is unique. Since body fat grafting may be done along with other procedures, anesthesia and facility fees may be merged. The total fees for fat grafting can be from $5,000 to $10,000+.

Risks of Fat Grafting

Any medical procedure could have complications, but complications from fat grafting are infrequent and less likely than from Botox. They may include uneven skin texture, infection, abscess, excessive bleeding, or scarring. If fat is injected into two or more areas, patients may have asymmetry between the areas. Treatment for complications can range from medication to surgery.

To find out if you are a good candidate for fat grafting, or any other cosmetic procedure, find a Plastic Surgeon in your area for a consultation.


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