Body Contouring Surgery

If you have just lost a lot of weight, or if your body is growing older, wrinkled, and is sagging, consider body contouring surgery as a solution to your problems. Certainly, a healthy diet and daily exercise must be maintained, but for those stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t go away, getting body contouring surgery can easily remove such fat and improve your self-image. There are many different types of body contouring surgery, and it is important to find and consult an established body contour surgeon before you make any decisions. Also, be sure to review any possible complications that may result from body contouring surgeries.

One type of body contouring surgery is the panniculectomy, which removes excess skin and fat from your abdominal area, in the front and the back. Although panniculectomy is a body contouring surgery that does not tighten muscles (as abdominoplasty does), it is good for removing hanging fat and skin that results from massive weight loss. Patients who need to tighten muscle generally get an abdominoplasty first, followed by a panniculectomy. If you have fat extending to your knees, bulging over your back, or over the hips, then you may find a panniculectomy to be very useful. Be sure that your weight has been stable for over six months—or even a year.

For both males and females, abdominal etching may be useful to bring out the muscles in the abdominal area. Some people have excellently toned abdominal muscles but simply are prone to growing fat in the stomach area—if this is the case, getting an abdominal etching body contouring surgery can bring out the muscle definition. This type of body contouring surgery is designed to do more than simply remove fat—it results in a flatter, tighter tummy, and brings out your hidden six-pack. However, if you do not have strong abdominal muscles below the fat, it is recommended that you get an abdominoplasty instead of an abdominal etching because the later type of body contouring surgery only brings out the muscles by removing excess skin and fat, whereas the former also tones your muscles for you.

One of the most popular body contouring surgeries is cellulite removal. Many scams on the internet claim to remove cellulite, but it is best simply to go to a body contouring surgeon and ask about this procedure instead of falling for online scams. Cellulite is a bunch of trapped pockets of fat which may result from aging and are very difficult to remove via exercise. Contact a body contouring surgeon to see if cellulite removal may work for your body.

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