Arm Lift' A Procedure to Fix Flabby Arm Skin

Weight gain or loss, heredity, and aging can take a toll on a person's body. Diet and exercise can often help to keep a person in shape, but there are some areas of the body that are not easy to alter through those means alone. For many people, the one such area is under the upper arms. Getting an arm lift—also called a brachioplasty--can help to address this issue.

This procedure can reshape your upper arms to smooth them out and give you a much more proportionate appearance—no more ‘flapping’ skin.

How is an arm lift performed?

An arm lift can be done under either general or local anesthesia. As for the incision, your surgeon will place it on the inside of the arm or the back of the arm—this depends upon the surgeon’s preference. Liposuction may or may not be used (this will based upon each particular patient’s needs). The tissue in the arm is tightened and shaping is done through the use of internal sutures. After this is finished, the skin will be smoothed over and the surgeon will use either stitches or absorbable sutures to close the incision.

What happens after the surgery?

Even though an arm lift will (like any body contouring or cosmetic surgery procedure) leave you looking bruised and swollen, you will be able to see instant results from an arm lift. You can see the new shaping of your upper arms immediately—although the full results will not be apparent for several weeks.

You will need to wear dressings or bandages on your incisions, and your arms will likely be wrapped in compression bandages to minimize swelling for several days. Your surgeon may also decide to place a small tube under your skin temporarily to drain collected fluid.

What does an arm lift cost?

Costs do vary according to how complex your specific procedure will be, how much skin is to be removed, and whether or not you need liposuction. Different surgeons also charge varying fees. The average cost will be about $5,000 to $6,500.

Are there any risks?

There are possible risks with any surgical procedure. However, the following risks that can result from an arm lift are not at all common:

  • Scarring or skin discoloration
  • Excessive bleeding or blood clots
  • Infection
  • Numbness or loss of sensation

Other complications are possible, although less common.

To find out if you are a candidate for an Arm Lift, get a free consultation with a Plastic Surgeon.


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