Abdominal Etching' Outpatient Procedure for Flat, Muscular Stomachs

There are a lot of people who would love to have a tighter, flatter stomach people who might otherwise be in good shape, but who just can't seem to get rid of their belly fat. Liposuction can work. However, this procedure only removes underlying fat. People who want to show off a muscled stomach area should look into abdominal etching. Abdominal etching is best for those who have naturally athletic muscles underneath stubborn belly fat.

What is Abdominal Etching?

Abdominal etching is a type of body contouring procedure that is done as an outpatient procedure, either in a surgeon's or doctor's office or in an outpatient surgery center. It can be done under local or general anesthesia.

For the procedure, many small incisions are made in the natural abdominal creases or in the belly button, so as not to be visible after the incisions have healed. Body shaping is done by removing excess fat and skin. The surgeon needs to be highly qualified to be able to sculpt the abdomen in order to emphasize the muscles with the cannula (a tube-like instrument that is hollow).

The underlying muscles are not changed during the abdominal etching procedure. They are merely given more definition as the surrounding fat and tissue are removed.

After the Surgery

Because this is an outpatient procedure, most patients go home within a few hours of their surgery. It is necessary for patients to wear medical compression garments at all times for three to six weeks.

Patients are instructed to avoid exercise and lifting of more than 10 pounds for about three weeks. Normal activities can be resumed within one to three weeks, except for the above-mentioned restrictions.

Patients may see results within a couple of months; however, full results of abdominal etching do not usually appear for at least six months.

What is the Cost of Abdominal Etching?

There are usually three fees involved in an abdominal etching procedure. A patient will have to pay for his anesthesia, facility fees (where the procedure was completed), and the surgeon fees. Since this procedure is highly customized the price can vary widely. Expect to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 for an abdominal etching procedure.

Possible Risks and Complications

As with any cosmetic surgery, this procedure will leave a person with pain, swelling, and bruising. Infrequent complications with abdominal etching surgeries may include infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, and scarring. However, these risks are present with any type of plastic surgery procedure.

Get a free consultation with a Plastic Surgeon to discuss if abdominal etching is right for you.


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