Thermage Cost

Thermage treatments are a long standing favorite of many in the world of plastic surgery; among both patients and professionals. The non-invasive procedure is popular because it requires no cutting or laser, yet gives great results. Thermage treatments can be performed on the face and neck as well as other areas of the body that are troublesome with regard to cellulite. Thermage costs will vary, and are dependent on the area or areas of the body you want to treat. Thermage costs can run anywhere from $1,500.00 to over $2,500.00 dollars. The beauty of thermage treatments, aside from being non-invasive, is that there is only one treatment. Many other procedures require additional visits to maximize the effects they provide.

Fast Facts

  • Thermage treatments are suitable for all skin colors.
  • Thermage costs may or may not be covered by your insurance provider.

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