Tattoo Removal

There is no set cost for a tattoo removal. The cost is determined by a number of factors. The size of the tattoo, how old the tattoo is, the type of tattoo, and location and depth all come into play when a medical professional determines how much to charge for a tattoo removal. Costs usually run from the hundreds to the thousands of dollars. Tattoo located on thin areas on the skin, like the ankle, are harder to remove than tattoos on thicker areas of skin. Tattoos that have spread from their original location can be bothersome to remove as well. To minimize scaring, and protect the skin as much as possible, laser surgery tattoo removal is usually performed throughout a number of visits. For this reason also, lasers with very short pulses are used.

Fast Facts

  • Laser surgery is now considered the best way and safest way to remove tattoos.
  • Tattoos on darker skin are easier to remove than tattoos on lighter skin.

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