Eyelid Surgery Facts

Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure also formally referred to as blepharoplasty. This procedure is used to remove excess baggy skin or fat from both the upper and lower eyelids. Droopy, loose eyelids may be a result of the natural aging process, or this condition may be caused by a medical condition, such as ptosis, which causes drooping eyelids. Low hanging eyelids may interfere with a person's vision, and also generally make a person appear older and tired looking. Eyelid surgery corrects loose and hanging eyelid skin by removing the excess fatty tissue and tightening up loose eyelids. This procedure can often be performed under local anesthesia, without requiring a patient to be put to sleep under general anesthesia.

Fast Facts

  • The national average for plastic surgeon fees for blepharoplasty in 2007 was $2,480.
  • Eyelid surgery may take up to three hours to perform.

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