Defying Time: Procedures For a Youthful Look

We're constantly barraged with images of the "beautiful people": young, with perfect hair, skin and features. It's no wonder so many people are looking for ways to turn back the clock, so to speak, and achieve a look that's more youthful and vibrant. For many people, plastic surgery is the answer. There are dozens of possible procedures with multiple variations to give anyone the exact look they desire. Below are a few of the more common procedures for getting a more youthful look.

Face Lift Surgery

A face lift is a procedure designed to tighten up the face, making it look younger by eliminating signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin. Popular areas that people improve with a face lift procedure include: a sagging mid-face area, creases beneath the eyelids, creases along the nose and corner of the mouth, displaced fat, and jowls or other loose skin.

Face Enhancement with Botox Injections

An alternative to a face lift that is less invasive is known as Botox. Botox involves simple injections with a chemical-filled syringe, rather than a full surgical procedure. While the results are not as permanent, Botox is an excellent option for people who are worried about getting a surgery. The time required to perform the procedure, as well as the time needed for recovery is drastically reduced. Botox is just one brand of these injection treatments. However, Botox and similar dermal fillers sometimes require semi-frequent touch ups or repeat procedures.

Targeted Facial Surgery

Other people seek more targeted procedures to improve the look of their face. One popular option is eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty. This surgery can help reduce sagging or bags under the eyes by tightening or removing excess skin. It also helps the eyes look more awake and alert, and less tired and drawn. There are some non-surgical versions of eyelid surgery that work similarly to Botox. The eyes are a very important part of the overall look of a face, and eyelid surgery can enhance that look.

Blemish Removal Through Dermabrasion

Another type of non-invasive procedure for the face is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion works by essentially sanding the top layer of skin on the face down. This procedure is useful to remove surface scars, blemishes, and other dark spots on the skin, but is very painful (it is performed under anesthesia) and will leave the skin red and raw for quite some time.

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