When is it OK to Return to Work After Liposuction surgery?

Some liposuction procedures take longer to recover from than others.  Usually if your surgeon recommends that you undergo general anesthesia to have your liposuction procedure done, you will have a longer recovery time.  If your surgeon recommends that you have liposuction with only local anesthesia, your recovery time might be only several days and you will probably be able to return to activities like driving a car after twenty four hours.  Other factors also affect recovery time; which areas of the body the liposuction was performed on, for example.  There will be some swelling and discomfort especially in the first several weeks.  This will disappear but often take up to several months to disappear completely

Recovering from Liposuction Surgery

It is very important to follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter when recovering from surgery.  In order to heal to the best of your body’s ability, it is necessary to follow his guidelines for activity, pain control and also wearing constrictive undergarments to help support the areas where the liposuction was completed.  For the first day, patients should expect to feel very groggy.  In the days following, patients will feel sore and their skin might sting as it does with sunburn.  It is important to contact your doctor for any pain that feels unmanageable or out of the ordinary.  Patients should be walking around and moving the day after surgery to help prevent complications.

Consult With a Liposuction Surgeon

A professional plastic surgeon can help to answer all your questions about liposuction procedures and recovery time.  An experienced surgeon will help decide which procedure will be most beneficial to you.


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